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(Archived) Some Questions / Suggestions

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Hi All,

I've only just started using Evernote (been using it for a couple of weeks) and so far, I have to say I'm very happy and very impressed.

I use Evernote on a Desktop PC, iMac and my laptop, and its saved me quite a few headaches I can tell you.

I do have a couple of questions, however;

1. Previously I was using MS OneNote, and the main reason for doing so was its support for my laptops tablet capabilities. Does Evernote support the same features? (Hand-writing notes / diagrams, etc..) and if so, how? Its not worked for me when I tried recently.

2. As I mention above, I have 3 seperate machines I used this product on. Now, mainly because of the 40Mb sync limitation, but also because I typically use my Laptop away from the office via a 3G Mobile Internet connection, I don't want it to be sync'ing every x mins (or x hours) but would love the ability to make Evernote Sync my changes on Startup or Shutdown. Is this possible via the client or with a script ?

3. Is it possible to allow others to edit as well as view a single notebook (ie permissions) ? And if it is; can we track those changes and retrieve previous versions (versioning) ?

4. Is it possible to attach files to notes, or is that not advised (looking at the sync limits, for example) ?

5. Is it possible to backup / restore the Evernote local databases without contacting the server? If so, how?

6. Does Evernote support proxy servers using NTLM authentication?

7. According to my searches on the forum; Evernote currently doesn't support "groups" of users for billing and business purposes. Any idea if this on the wishlist or not?

8. Is there anyway to cache Evernote updates locally, thereby reducing any bandwidth usage across multiple machines on the same network using the same account at different times?

Thanks for your answers in advance; and also thanks to the developers for an awesome tool.

The Evil Genius.

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1. On a Windows computer, you can make an "ink" note by clicking on the oval icon in the top-left corner of a new note. This will switch the note to an "ink only" note where you can write with a stylus. Click the same button in another new note to switch back to a text/html note.

2. You can disable the automatic synchronization in your Preferences or Options on either client. Then you can sync manually by hitting the Sync button whenever you want. There's no automated way to sync at shutdown or start-up, although you could script it using ENScript.exe: http://www.evernote.com/about/developer ... ipting.php

3. If you have a Free account, you can share a notebook that others can view. If you have a Premium account, you can also let the recipients edit notes in that notebook: http://blog.evernote.com/2009/06/25/not ... g-phase-1/

4. Free accounts can attach some files: GIF, JPEG, PNG, PDF, WAV, MP3, AMR

Premium accounts can attach any file up to 25MB: http://blog.evernote.com/2008/12/17/new ... file-sync/

5. You can back up your local database file ... you can find the DB file directory from Tools > Options

6. Evernote uses the HTTP networking libraries from Windows and Mac OS, so it should be able to sync if you can log in to our web site via IE or Safari on the platform. But there are a million ways to misconfigure a proxy/firewall server, so you'd need to test it to know for sure.

7. Yes, we're currently focused on providing a good service for individuals, but we're interested in doing group billing and maintenance in the future when we have the time to do this well.

8. Each client will just send its own updates to the service, so if you make notes in two different clients, each will send up just its own notes, and pull down the changes from the others. There's no local server solution.

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