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Page Numbers for sorting Notes


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as far as I know, Evernote has not the option to generate "page numbers".

This is a great hindrance, because I have some Notebooks where I want to sort my notes in a fixed order.

It would be a nice feature to be able to rearrange Notes within a Notebook by pagenumbers.



1. I use and scan handwritten notes and want to bring them into a new order - not always sort by date.

2. I often write Instructions for my colleagues and it would be nice, if they could scan through them in a definite order. Every update on a note "kills" the order by date.

    The use of a table of content in a new note is cumbersome, because not all of my colleagues put these special notes in their favorites.

3. For presentations a definite order by pagenumbers (and the chance to rearrange them) would be a new killer feature for me.

4. Being able to use page numbers would be terrific for all users who writes a lot and wants to order their notes in chapters.


My actual workaround is using [xxx] (xxx for pagenumbers 000 to 999) at the beginning of each title - but this is very timeconsuming, when I have to handle a lot of notes.


Any suggestions how to accomplish this?

Thanks for your help,


kind regards,



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  • Level 5*

If you need a facility like pages, then what you're already doing is about the best way to do that. Forcing a specific order in Evernote just isn't possible unless you do it yourself via some user-implemented scheme. 

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as far as I know, Evernote has not the option to generate "page numbers".

This is a great hindrance, because I have some Notebooks where I want to sort my notes in a fixed order.

It would be a nice feature to be able to rearrange Notes within a Notebook by pagenumbers.


1. I use and scan handwritten notes and want to bring them into a new order - not always sort by date.

2. I often write Instructions for my colleagues and it would be nice, if they could scan through them in a definite order. Every update on a note "kills" the order by date.

The use of a table of content in a new note is cumbersome, because not all of my colleagues put these special notes in their favorites.

3. For presentations a definite order by pagenumbers (and the chance to rearrange them) would be a new killer feature for me.

4. Being able to use page numbers would be terrific for all users who writes a lot and wants to order their notes in chapters.

My actual workaround is using [xxx] (xxx for pagenumbers 000 to 999) at the beginning of each title - but this is very timeconsuming, when I have to handle a lot of notes.

Any suggestions how to accomplish this?

Thanks for your help,

kind regards,


This is not what Evernote is about. It's about organizing & retrieving data. You can sort the results by any of the fields displayed in the title line in the list view. Date created, date updated, title, etc. A workaround is to either manually change the date created or use a numbering system in the title & then sorting the results by title. The post below pertains to notebook names. But the same theory applies to titles.

If you think you will have less than 100 notebooks, use numbers 001 through 999 followed by the title.

You can have 250 notebooks. And if you used numbers incremented by 1, that would be 001-250. Using 001 - 999 would be 999 notebooks.A better alternative, if you were to use this method, would be to use say, 00100, 00200, 00300, 00400, etc. as the prefix. That way, you can add notebooks in between 00100 & 00200 by using 00120 or 00150 without having to renumber all the subsequent notebooks.
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Hi Olli,

I have a similar need -- and looking for a solution.  My thinking is to create PDF's (via scan or otherwise), then using a pdf editor to reorder pages and/or images.  Currently looking at PDF-Xchange Pro to add/delete/move pages around within a pdf document.  I'm trying to determine if their Bates Number Scheme could be useful for this.  Maybe this will give you some ideas.


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First: Thanks for the Information about the Notebooks.


I agree that EN is about "about organizing & retrieving data", as you have written. But I disagree on "This is not what Evernote is about."

To me the ability to SORT Notes is part of the Organisation. And the given Sort-Options (Title, Creation-Date, Change-Date) are somewhat wobbly... In (my) real world I have a lot of stuff organized - and everything follows a sorting Order. Books, receipts, reports, documents, bills, etc. pp. Page Numbers would improve EN in the sense, that Notes could become better organized (!) in Clusters.

I think everyone who collects Notes on a specific topic would not be offended to have an opportunity to sort them by an nearly undestroyable self-determinded Page-Number-System :-)




Thanks for the Link about the "Bates Number Scheme". This applied to EN ... :-)

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  • Level 5*


I agree that EN is about "about organizing & retrieving data", as you have written. But I disagree on "This is not what Evernote is about."

To me the ability to SORT Notes is part of the Organisation. And the given Sort-Options (Title, Creation-Date, Change-Date) are somewhat wobbly... In (my) real world I have a lot of stuff organized - and everything follows a sorting Order. Books, receipts, reports, documents, bills, etc. pp. Page Numbers would improve EN in the sense, that Notes could become better organized (!) in Clusters.

I think everyone who collects Notes on a specific topic would not be offended to have an opportunity to sort them by an nearly undestroyable self-determinded Page-Number-System :-)

Evernote can only sort on the information it has, so a new piece of metadata would need to be added -- a Page number or probably something more generic, but presumably unique in a notebook, since I'm guessing that one would want pages to go from 1 to n -- requiring changes to all of the Evernote architecture, servers and clients both. So fair enough. But I don't see how it would be self-determined, however -- the user would still need to be able to explicitly order notes, right? Maybe you mean "self-determined" as in "user-determined"? I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "nearly undestroyable", though. Adding explicit ordering to notebooks is something that has been requested previously, for sure.
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Hi, Jefito,


yes, I think "user-determined" is what I wanted to express. "Nearly undestroyable" is a reference to an order-system created by us users (read: page-numbers), that can't be edit by an EN-automatic like - for example - the Edit-date.

Thanks for clarification!

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