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Simple Template for (almost) Anything

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I am doing lots of observations of the nature that surrounds us, and my special interest is about mushrooms. I send my observations to one of the major scientific databases in my country (Norway). Being an EN user for some time, I decided to use EN to organize the most significant details about my finds. I have searched the member forum in order to find templates used by collectors of stamps or coins or whatever, that could be useful for my own purpose, but didn't find much.


So, I decided to make a template of my own, like the one you see below.


Of course, I can at any time log into the national database, and there look up all my findings presented in the way I want, but I also wanted a brief information in EN in order to bring the information on my iPhone out into the fields.


I have a notebook which I call «Templates» where I have couple of other templates, so when making an entry, I copy this template to The Mushroom notebook making a new note given the name of the mushroom, and then fill in the necessary data. Filling in data for a mushroom of the same kind that has been registered before, I could call the note Chantarelle 1, Chantarelle 2....


Finally I have included an option to link to databases or member forums that could provide additional information. Then I have a simple database in a notebook named «Mushrooms» with a number of observations, everyone organised in the same way. Easy to search and find.


My template could probaboy be useful for others as well, collectors of any kind. Feel free to use my idea to satisfy your own needs. Thankful for any additional ideas to improve my template.




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  • Level 5*

Thanks. I do something pretty similar, but my templates are tailored for my work. Not too hard to come up with templates for specific needs, rather than a general template to cover all needs, but this is a really useful feature of Evernote (and it's nice that the Android client recently added the ability to copy notes).

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Forestman, your template is fine. Thanks for sharing.


The 7 items you listed in your template are commonly called "Data Elements".


You may find you will like your template even more if you incorporate Evernote's Table function into it. - - - I can envision two approaches to do this:

  • Incorporate only 1 Table. The Table has 7 rows (one for each "Data Element") and 2 columns. The column on the left would be the name of the "Data Element" (as you already listed). The column on the right would be the value for that "Data Element".
  • Create 7 tables, each one is a 1 row by 1 column and sits to the right of each "Data Element".

You would need to try out both approaches see which you might like.

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Thanks much! I just asked for ideas for improvement, and your suggestion seems to be  exactly what I've been missing. I guess I will go for your first alternative. Gives the records little more professional look. :)



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