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Viewing deleted notes by others in a Shared folder

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I share a folder with a client of mine. Recently 2 notes were deleted on their end. I'm attempting to figure out how I can view the notes THEY deleted. In addition, is there an area where you can look at all history of a shared folder, especially actions of others? Suggestions/Help?

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  • Level 5*

If they were from your notebook, shouldn't they wind up in your Trash notebook? I'd look there first, at least.

A history of deletes may exist in your Activity list; in the Windows client, it's a satellite-y looking icon on the toolbar, labelled "Activity"

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I share a folder with a client of mine. Recently 2 notes were deleted on their end. I'm attempting to figure out how I can view the notes THEY deleted. In addition, is there an area where you can look at all history of a shared folder, especially actions of others? Suggestions/Help?


Are you sure they "deleted" the note?  Maybe they moved it from your notebook to one of theirs? 

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@BurgersNFries Yes, looked in trash, but great point on the "moving". The notification did say "removed from shared folder". Is there a way to know what was moved though? Like a history of a shared folder and who took the action?

FWIW, IME, when I move a note from a synced notebook of mine (that has also been synced to the EN servers) to a notebook shared to me, the original does get put into my trash. I don't know if the opposite is true or not. (If someone moves it out of your notebook, does it go in your trash? ).

Other than the activity log Jeff mentioned, there is no way to know who did what. That's one of the reasons EN is generally not recommended for collaboration. At least by most long time users of Evernote. It's great for SHARING, but not collaboration.

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