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Expanded vs non-expanded views

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Hello Evernote designers,


How about making all views in the Evernote Windows and Mac expandable?

This would be very handy, as I would love to keep Evernote open at all times, with the Side List View but expanded.

This would be the equivalent of how the Sparrow email app behaves: expanded view and double click to open email.






- Much cleaner. All views would be expandable, so no need to have them twice like "Card view" and "Expanded Card View" in the dropdown. 

- More flexibility. Expanding can be assigned a shortcut with left and right key, just like the Sparrow email app.

- More ways to view notes for the user, without more complexity!






Game Designer and Evernote fan

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Hmmm, I could actually really get behind having something along these lines as an option. With certain views, there can be a lot of redundant information, especially if the user has double-clicked a note to bring it out of the main window. I suppose this isn't too different from OS X's mail application (and many others), though Mail gives the option of collapsing the email preview pane just as you are requesting here. 

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With certain views, there can be a lot of redundant information, especially if the user has double-clicked a note to bring it out of the main window. 

True, I noticed it too, when double clicking on a note the embedded preview pane is really redundant with the new separated window.

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