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(Archived) Scrolling in 6/29 update

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Scrolling around large notes seems to "bounce". A swipe up will also shift left or right slightly and then back. Kinda weird.

Also, the buttons at the bottom of the note will overlap the note so that it can't be seen or clicked. I have a html clipped note that has a link at the bottom of it that I can't seem to read.

And, while writing this, still having connectivity issues and it went into "offline" mode.

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the problem i have with Pan/Zoom is with pictures. when i go into evernote with a saved picture i get the thumbnail. when a click the picture it goes full size. i am able to swipe in all directions. here is the problem if i swipe top to bottom and side to side without lifting my finger off the phone until i get the the edge the picture stays full size. however if i swipe and pick my finger up while within the edge of the phone the picture goes immediately back to thumbnail. let me know if i need to clarify what i am trying to explain.

thanks for a great app.

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I'm having a problem like that, but also it seems like my image (which is an original from the Pre's 3MP camera) when I click on it, it seems to enlarge but everything is pixelated. When I try to pan around with my finger it snaps back to a thumbnail. This doesn't happen with an old image I snapped with a different camerphone at just 640x480, that pans fine. Seems to be just these much larger images?

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After the big image enlarges, if you wait for a few seconds, does the pixelation go away to show the higher resolution?

I think we are giving out a reduced image from the server when you first view the note. If you click on it, it immediately expands and then asks for the full image from the server to replace it. (You'd see the same result from a desktop web browser on www.evernote.com).

If the expanded image never replaces the pixelated one with the real image, that would be a bug.


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Ok, that sounds like it's working as we intended. We give out a lower resolution image first to save bandwidth and make the page load quicker on the phone.

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I think the problem with viewing a note containing a picture is this: The picture starts out as a thumbnail. Then you tap it once, and it enlarges (and yes, if you wait a second you get the whole image). But now you can't scroll really. You can move the image a little, but as soon as you lift your finger off the screen, the image returns to the thumbnail view.

The behavior I think I want is: Once the image has been enlarged, don't shrink it back to the thumbnail.

Also, getting landscape mode and true pinch-zoom would be a huge plus for these.

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Ah, I can see how the "click to grow/shrink" UI for images would cause problems with some of the gesture navigation on the touch screen. We'll think about how to improve this.


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I think the problem with viewing a note containing a picture is this: The picture starts out as a thumbnail. Then you tap it once, and it enlarges (and yes, if you wait a second you get the whole image). But now you can't scroll really. You can move the image a little, but as soon as you lift your finger off the screen, the image returns to the thumbnail view.

The behavior I think I want is: Once the image has been enlarged, don't shrink it back to the thumbnail.

Also, getting landscape mode and true pinch-zoom would be a huge plus for these.

exactly what i was trying to say only much more well said. @enberg are there certain gestures we should be using while Pan/Zooming while viewing pictures?

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