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Search For Notes With Files Attached With A Created Date Range?

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I would like to perform a query and a find notes that have (for instance) microsoft word docs that were created from 1/1/2013-12/31/2013. 

How can this be done. I know I can search for the notes with the docs in them, but I would like to further limit the search by limiting the time frame that those documents were created.

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I would like to perform a query and a find notes that have (for instance) microsoft word docs that were created from 1/1/2013-12/31/2013.

How can this be done. I know I can search for the notes with the docs in them, but I would like to further limit the search by limiting the time frame that those documents were created.

AFAIK, the Evernote database does not contain meta data of attachments. You could always add the date in yourself. More info here:


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The following will search for whatever attachment you specify between 1 January 2014 and 26 Feb 2014:

-created:20140226 created:20140101 resource:whatever

So you can modify the dates to whatever you like, and insert whatever resource or attachment you seek.


If, for example, you are looking for .docx files, you would put:



The "resource" criteria relies on the MIME type for the file you are looking for. A list of the MIME types of Microsoft Office files can be found here:



A quick google search should likely turn up the MIME for any file you could possible need to find.


Not exactly user friendly but this is actually leveraging features largely intended for developers and not necessarily for users. 


Saved searches could save you a lot of grief trying to track down MIME types.  


You can get some more information from the advanced search documentation here:


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I guess the OP needs to be more clear as to whether they want notes that were created in 2013 and contain Word docs or if they mean notes that contain Word documents and the Word docs were created in 2023...which may not be the same thing.

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I guess the OP needs to be more clear as to whether they want notes that were created in 2013 and contain Word docs or if they mean notes that contain Word documents and the Word docs were created in 2023...which may not be the same thing.

AH! Good point. I think you are right, in which case the OP is out of luck...

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