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Download and save contents of a notebook

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How do I download contents of a notebook in order that I can analyse entire contents? There must be a simpler way than copy and pasting individual notes.

Many thanks


What client are you using to create your notes? What client do you want to sync with? Evernote is a cloud app which means once you create your notes on one computer/device & sync to the cloud that you can sync another computer/device (to the same account) and see all the notes.

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I want to be able to download contents of a number of notebooks in the event the original is deleted by first author. I might copy some content into e.g. Word etc.

You did not answer my questions...we can't help you without knowing more about what you are doing.

What client are you using to create your notes? What client do you want to sync with? Evernote is a cloud app which means once you create your notes on one computer/device & sync to the cloud that you can sync another computer/device (to the same account) and see all the notes.

Are you referring to notes in a notebook shared to you by someone else?

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I'm not sure what you mean by client. Possibly out of my depth here. I am using Evernote as part of a group. I've found  the export notebook function to export notebooks created by someone else to my docs.  If the notebook is  deleted in the future by someone who leaves the group, I would like to be able to continue to include their contribution in my data set. Perhaps export is my solution?


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I'm not sure what you mean by client. Possibly out of my depth here. I am using Evernote as part of a group. I've found  the export notebook function to export notebooks created by someone else to my docs.  If the notebook is  deleted in the future by someone who leaves the group, I would like to be able to continue to include their contribution in my data set. Perhaps export is my solution?

Please see the link I posted.

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