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(Archived) Critical Error while I start the Evernoteprogram


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Hi there,

i have now a big problem, i can´t start Evernote again.

I tried to install it again (deInstalling - than new install Evernote)

but the same error :(


Can anyone help me?

Thank you...


I´m uploading a pic, so you can see the Windows 8 message. (German)




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  • Level 5*



  1. Exit Evernote completely.
  2. Copy your database file to another location (more instructions here in the forums if you need them).
  3. Use Revo Uninstaller to delete your current version of Evernote.  Then reinstall.
  4. If you're still having the same problem go back to your database folder and rename the EXB file (to BXE)
  5. Then allow the server to rebuild your database file.  If its a large one,  it may take a day or so.


If you have any unsynced notes or purely local notebooks you'll need to export and then re-import the files that aren't yet on the server.


All of this comes with a health warning for your data,  so if you're not sure about what you're doing please search for more information around here or post again.

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If Windows Tools -> Options -> Open Database Folder


Or on Mac it should be


(1) Direct download from Evernote, which I recommend (http://evernote.com/...ile=EvernoteMac)

/Users/<userID>/Library/Application Support/Evernote


(2) Download from the Apple Appstore



(3) Download from the Apple Appstore if you have a Fusion drive

/Library/Containers/com.evernote.Evernote/Data/Library/Application Support/Evernote/account/<your username>/ 

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I use the Desktop - Version for Windows 8 (Not the Applikation Evernote for Windows 8)

But i am not sure, what "DataBaseFoler you mean!

I Downloaded the Evernote for Windows 8 again, after complet new install - the same problem again...

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