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Auto-capitalization capitalizes all words in a title on iPad

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When auto-capitalization is enabled on my iPad, every word in an Evernote title is capitalized. I don't see such behavior on Android (where I also have auto-capitalization) and I really would like to have an ability to disable it. Not only I don't expect to have all the titles of my notes capitalized, at least I would expect to have them capitalized in a proper manner. Right never every word in an Evernote title is written in capitals, even prepositions like "from", "in" and so on, which I have never seen capitalized in any title. I use auto-capitalization to always start the sentence from a capital letter. I'm used to it on all my mobile devices. I don't want anything else from it. This is the first time I felt like disabling an otherwise cool feature. Sadly, disabling it means not having it OS-wise while I just don't want it to ***** up with my Evernote note titles.

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  • 1 month later...

Generally speaking, it's considered proper usage to capitalize words of four letters or longer in a title, though I don't know that capitalizing short ones is actually "wrong".  Title case in Pages, the only word processing program I have at the moment, capitalizes all the word, even the short ones. I'm guessing this is fairly standard. 


Personally, I like my titles in title case. However, Evernote staff read this posts so you can consider this feedback. Should you wish to leave more formal feedback, you can submit a support ticket. There's a link in my signature. 


Best of luck. 

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