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Tagged a document by accident, no idea what tag or document was

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Sometimes Im moving too fast tagging and the document disappears from my untagged list


I tried searching "tagged today" but doesnt work (had hopes of a smarter searching since updating)


Cant for the life of me remember any keywords in the document too.



Any easy way to see what was tagged today?

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Hmmm nothing comes immediately to mind. 


It used to be the case that such metadata changes would trigger an update to the "date updated" field, though this is no longer the case (which, in general, I think is great, but this would be a case where it is not so great). 


The only thing I could suggest would be if you know approximately when these notes were created that you look at your notes created around that time to see if you can find any terrible mismatches between content and tag. 

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Yup I thought that was the case... seems like an EV Developer would add a note regarding this... needs to be an easier way to see actions you do today...


Using mac and hoped I could undo the second it disappeared into a random tag but failure =(


One day it will surface I hope...


but this is definitely not how evernote is suppose to work..

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IF you use EN on another device AND that device hasn't synced to your account, you might be able to find the note that way. I've had situations where I've updated a note and then realized I didn't want all the changes I made but couldn't remember how far back to "undo" OR I had already closed the note and then had second thoughts but it was too late and couldn't undo. Since the note hadn't synced yet, I would literally unplug my internet access so my account couldn't update, then go to my phone and make a small change to the note in question. Phone would then sync to EN and when I re-plugged my PC to the internet and my desktop EN synced, I would have a note conflict and could compare the two notes.


Why I say this might work is that I do not know if a difference in tags will create a note conflict. And unfortunately, since you made your original post way earlier today more than likely all your devices are synced up by now. 

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  • 3 months later...

would be great if an Evernote developer could confirm this issue? Its something I struggle with too. 


I recently asked if there was a Saved Search syntax that could be used to find all notes with less than 2 Tags, but there isn't anything like this (for me I need a syntax that brings up all notes within a single notebook that has less than 4 tags)



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would be great if an Evernote developer could confirm this issue? Its something I struggle with too. 


I recently asked if there was a Saved Search syntax that could be used to find all notes with less than 2 Tags, but there isn't anything like this (for me I need a syntax that brings up all notes within a single notebook that has less than 4 tags)



What issue do you want "confirmed"? There is no issue here. There was a deliberate change made by Evernote such that changes to note metadata would NOT result in the "date updated" field being modified. The current behaviour is by design and is not a bug or an "issue".


That being said, that doesn't mean it isn't an annoyance in cases such as the OP's. However, I found the old behaviour where "date updated" would get modified any time metadata was changed to be a serious annoyance ALL the time. I welcomed the change they made last year. 


So not an issue, but perhaps you are asking for some acknowledgement of your feature/enhancement request? This is a user forum, as such staff do not necessarily make posts. If you want your request acknowledged, you should submit a support ticket. (though, I don't think Evernote will simply reverse course on the decision they made last year. That being said, there may be alternative ways to achieve similar functionality you desire). 



As for the search-related portion of your post, you can refer to the following document for a list of currently available search syntax:



Any requests you have could be posted here or submitted in a support ticket. 

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  • Level 5*

would be great if an Evernote developer could confirm this issue? Its something I struggle with too.

An Evernote developer, more precisely a PM, did comment on this in the forums, within the last few weeks. Can't seem to scare up the quote, however. But yes; changing tags does not change updated date, and the quote indicated that that was across all Evernote platforms.


I recently asked if there was a Saved Search syntax that could be used to find all notes with less than 2 Tags, but there isn't anything like this (for me I need a syntax that brings up all notes within a single notebook that has less than 4 tags)

There is no search syntax that you can use to test of an arbitrary number of tags; you can only test for only 0 tags (-tag:*) or greater than 0 tags (tag:*).
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