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Evernote windows UI very slow when rendering Japanese text

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I am studying Japanese, and have an Evernote notebook dedicated to my class notes. Whenever notes containing Japanese (in the titles, or in the preview text) are in the note list, the note list UI is terribly slow, basically unusable.


Using the same scroll wheel motion:

  • My default notebook scrolls a page in the list view instantly
  • My japanese notebook scrolls down 1-2 items, with a choppy repainting rate, over about 4-6 seconds.

The rest of the UI feels a bit slower as well, but this might just be perception based on the list UI. This happens on all PCs that I have Evernote installed on.


Has anyone else had this problem? Were you able to deal with it? I opened a support ticket, but they just ran me through the usual steps of sending in logs, reinstalling, then optimizing the database. Then they told me to post here instead. 

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