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(Archived) Unistall & Delete Files


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I use Evernote on my work computer and due to a upcoming job change I want to unistall both the application and the notes/files. I'm on Window 7...does anyone know how to ensure that my notes are not left on the computer?

Revo uninstaller, free version. Do NOT delete your notes before deleting the application as that will delete the notes from the cloud, should it sync.

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  • Level 5*

Will Revo also remove the notes database?  Check to make sure it's gone.  Evernote > Tools > Options and "Open Database Folder" if you haven't uninstalled yet,  otherwise look in C:\Users\<yourname>\AppData\Local\Evernote\Evernote (or your corporate equivalent) and zap it from there.

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Will Revo also remove the notes database?  Check to make sure it's gone.  Evernote > Tools > Options and "Open Database Folder" if you haven't uninstalled yet,  otherwise look in C:\Users\<yourname>\AppData\Local\Evernote\Evernote (or your corporate equivalent) and zap it from there.



I think it does.  I do know Windows add/remove programs is renowned for leaving program and data folders.  But I think Revo gets rid of everything.  If it doesn't then yes, after confirming Windows Explorer shows hidden files, it's worth a look see to find any .exb files still on the hard drive(s) and delete the folders that contain them.  At least that's what I would do if it was critical to make sure I deleted everything from a particular system.  Probably a good idea to do this even if Revo does install the live exb file.  Just...in...case...

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