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Windows Application, reminders


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Hi Everyone,

When I add a reminder to a note >> Date and Time

It is frustrating that I cannot see the details of that without going back into Reminder >> Change Date

Seems an oversite ?  It is not even shown in the Info drop down details !

Would be interested in other peoples thoughts ?

Cheers, Dave


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  • Level 5*

Windows client, correct?

In the note list snippet and card views, there is a Reminders section up at top that you can open or close; it shows the reminders relevant to your current note list. If you open it, reminders with dates set should show the date at the right-hand side of the entry. The date also shows in the header of the note, when it's selected.

The reminder date info probably should be added to the Info dropdown.

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  • Level 5

I have not seen any explanation from Evernote, but the reminders are not visible with two of their more important views.

  • The default standard List View (Ctrl +F5)
  • The new & improved Vertical List View (Ctrl + Shft + F5)

Because I live on the Vertical List View 100% of my time, I don't bother with reminders.

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  • Level 5*

Helps a bit, but you don't see the time ?

I guess not. The way I use reminders, the time element is not that big a deal -- it's mainly for due dates on projects and to-dos. I use other means for time scheduling, Google Calendar, mainly.
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  • 2 months later...

I agree with jefito - from a GTD point of view, if a task has a specific date AND TIME it should be a calendar entry, not a to-do / task list entry.


Therefore, a reminder on a task item should be just for the day.  Perhaps the solution is to have a default setting, defining when the "business day" starts.  That way, EN notes with date-only reminders pop up at the start of the business day, rather than popping up at 1 sec after midnight which is annoying and bad practice, as you are probably trying to wrap things up and compose yourself for sleep!


Indeed, IMO you should use task reminders as little as possible -- if a task has gone too long without progress, the correct way to handle this is to identify stale tasks during your weekly review and deal with them per GTD.  This is much better than nagging yourself to death with reminders for tasks that don't really have a due date.  I try to only use reminders for tasks that I am "waiting on" someone else.  The reminder tells me if I need to follow up with them.


The only possible exception I've seen to the "task reminders have dates but no times" rule was a feature MS Outlook did reasonably well.  Imagine a task "Call Bill" but Bill is hard to reach and you have to try to catch him right when he gets in the office after lunch at 1:30 (or some oddball time like that).  You could program a calendar item for 1:30 and have it repeat daily forever (since you don't know how many times you'll have to call).  But then, when you finally get through to him, you want to mark the thing DONE! But without deleting the item itself.  So, you have to go into your calendar item, open up the "repeating item" dialog, and tell it to stop repeating as of today...painful.  MS Outlook has a schedule-able, repeating task that behaves like this: Each day you don't mark it complete, it automatically moves itself forward to the same time, next day.  Once you mark it complete, it stays put on your calendar for the day you completed it, and ALSO, appears as a completed item in your task list. Sweet! But, that odd sort of appointment/task hybrid is exotic and ideally quite rare and isn't something I'd expect to see in EN.

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