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(Archived) Day 1 EN for Palm Pre, while Android has been waiting a year

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And the saddest part, is the G1 has by far the best hardware for integration with EN. It's camera is astounding for crispness and focus AND the freaking app, unlike every other phone, the developers would have kernel access to it's guts to optimize white balance and color temperature when taking the pictures. EN could have really built an amazing app in Andorid, that would have been the envy of the marketplace.

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EN could have really built an amazing app in Andorid, that would have been the envy of the marketplace.

Not really sure what you mean by this. I don't think there's any reason to believe that EN won't be providing an Android client, in spite of releasing earlier on the Pre.

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wynand - They haven't launched an app for a year. Android was announced February 2008. They said right before the G1 was released there'd be an app soon. That was 9 months ago. Palm Pre was out for about 9 hours when EN launched their app for it. Palm is going no where, and the OS is going to die, yet EN felt the need to get all hands on deck and get that app ready for launch day. They probably have an app ready for the new iPhone ready to go today, and that's not hiting stores for 4 months.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just received the Evernote newsletter announcing the Palm Pre client release and it was like a slap in the face!

It would be one thing if the mobile browser client was functional, but it is so poorly designed that searching for and editing notes is useless. If you are stuck with an Edge connection viewing the full site is a pain, so I have to perform all kinds of kludges to get my ideas recorded. Unacceptable.

This is very disappointing. I hope those dozen Pre users actually sign up for accounts to make this worth it to the company..

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