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(Archived) disassociate Evernote with Box


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I have Evernote on my Windows desktop @ work and @ home. I also have it on my laptop, iphone and ipad. I have been using Evernote for about 2 years.


About two (2) months ago I installed a NEAT 'NeatConnect' Scanner at work. I have one BOX (www.box.com) cloud account and all items scanned by all employees go to this one account. All employees share this one BOX account, log-in at their desk and retrieve what they just scanned from the cloud. It has proven to be quite convenient and productive for everyone in the office.


About two weeks ago I noticed the NEAT scanner offers the ability to scan the documents to Evernote as well. I foolishly associated (lgged-in) Evernote. Now, my own private Evernote scans are showing up in the BOX account.


How do I kill the association between my scanner and my evernote account?


Please help!!

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If you log into your Evernote account through the web, go to your account settings, under Security, you should see "Applications". You can revoke access to applications you granted permission to here. 

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I did as directed, but don't see any reference to BOX in the list



The above link is to an image I have uploaded to my BOX account. It's a screenshot of my Evernote account and all the 3rd party apps running in the Account.


To further my point... I deleted all references to BOX folders in evernote (one is called mythology8 for example). I then used my iphone's evernote app. I retrieved a photo I had taken with my iphone and posted it to my evernote acccount.


I then went back into BOX and the folder had been recreated (mythology8) and there was the picture -in BOX for all my fellow employees to see :-(



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I'm not really sure what else to do. I'd log out of Evernote on all of my devices, then log back in. It can't hurt. Then, I'd probably open a support ticket. There's a link in my signature. 


Best of luck. 

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