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(Archived) Go to notebook from a note


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I often go to the all notes location on the left hand column, the stack/notebook hierarchy.  I spot the note I was looking for in the snippet column and click on it.  I notice that this note got put in notebook X.  But in order to look at what other notes are in notebook X, I have to scoll and scroll in the stack/notebook hierarchy column.  I would expect a right click on the snippet ought to have a choice to go to the containing notebook.


The scolling in the stack/notebook hierarchy column wouldn't be anywhere near as tedious if I could right click on anything in there and have to option to collapse or expand the whole list. 



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  • Level 5

But in order to look at what other notes are in notebook X, I have to scoll and scroll in the stack/notebook hierarchy column. 


I agree that the scrolling is a pain.


My solution to avoid the scrolling problem is to keep the number of notebooks to a minimum using broad topics such as Jobs, Leisure, Finance, Personal. Searching with tags, intitle:, and keywords help me pinpoint the specific notes.

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