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OCR searchable PDFs in SnapScan not creating Evernote note

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I'm trying to scan documents on my Fujitsu SnapScan S1300i to create OCR searchable PDFs which are automatically attached to a new Evernote note. 


Seems like it should be easily doable - the profiles in the SnapScan software allows you to create a profile where OCR and Evernote applications are selectable. But what I've found is that if I have the OCR box checked AND the Scan to Evernote option selected, it will create an OCR searchable file (eg. can search for text on Preview) but no Evernote note is created. If I uncheck the OCR box, then it will create an Evernote note but the scanned file opened on Preview is not searchable.


Has anyone else had this experience, or can anyone suggest why this is happening?



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  • Level 5*

I think that's a file sharing problem.  The scanning is one operation that has to be completed before the OCR can begin.  The OCR then creates another version of the file (over a fairly long number of seconds) which should replace the first.  Unfortunately when you scan to Evernote,  the first version of the file creates the note,  and it may be that the second file just gets lost in the process somewhere.  I think you really have to choose one or the other of scanning to Evernote or OCR.  If there is a logic behind this it may have been influenced by Evernote providing their own OCR process (within some strict limits) for non-searchable files.  Local OCRs are best though for a variety of reasons.


I scan (S1500) to folder anyway - I don't OCR as part of the scanning process - it just slows things down.  The folder means I can correct page orientation if the scanner gets it wrong,  add two files together if I had a problem with the scan,  and make sure all my file names are consistent so I can find all the connected notes when I search later.  As a last step each day I'll batch OCR the folder and drag/ drop the files into an Evernote Import Folder (I'm Windows) which then adds all my files in one go.

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Thanks. I guess that makes some sense, although one would have thought that the SnapScan software should not offer options that  cannot work!


I am realising that OCR outside of EN makes sense - if you ever want to search a document outside of EN or if EN meets some grisly demise and we are left with thousands of scanned PDFs we will need some way to find our data!

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