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Problem with 'Created' Date when using Duplicate Note on iOS vs Mac

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My issue is more of a bug report. I love the new feature in Evernote for iOS that lets me duplicate a note. I use my iPad at the gym. I create template notes for my different workouts and duplicate them and add the date to track my workout of the day. I used to have to duplicate the note using Evernote on my Mac and right clicking and "Copy to 'Workouts' Again" to duplicate my template into my Workouts notebook. Now I can do it on the iOS app using the duplicate feature.


Now to my problem. When I use the "Copy..Again" feature on Mac app, it creates a new note with the Creation date as the current day. Perfect so I can sort by creation date for my workouts dates. However, when I use the Duplicate feature in iOS it makes a new note, but it keeps the original Created date of the original note. If I keep duplicating my template then I end up with a bunch of workouts "Created" on the same day. Sure the Updated date changes, but I really need the Created date to be the date I create the note (day of my workout).


This seems to be more of a bug than a personal problem/feature request, because I would think these two features would be consistent in how they treated the Created Date. On the Mac app, it doesn't matter much either way since it is fairly simple to modify that date, but in iOS I am limited in what I can modify.


Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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  • Level 5*

Hi - don't think this is a bug as such.  Different devices do have different features,  and it sounds as though these two particular situations haven't been aligned yet.  Either way it seems to me that as long as the behaviour is consistent you can live with it - and by me,  a copy is a copy is a copy - so should show the same creation date as the original.  If that doesn't suit your use case,  you could always change it (the option to do that may vary between device though too!) and make that change easier by using some sort of keystroke recorder like AHK...


The devs will read this item though and maybe the fix will get on a list somewhere..

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  • 5 months later...
  • Level 5*

IMHO, worst case this is an overall EN design bug. Creation date is not particularly platform specific. I agree with BrettB, if one uses template type notes for reuse then it doesn't fit a copy is a copy is a copy model. I happen to use a phone call template, a blank form. The note is "created" when information is added. Works great on Windows.....

And if a copy were a copy why have the Windows and Mac apps act differently? Not to mention the differences in maintaining create and update notes across platforms. Global design flaw to me. Not the biggest deal for sure.

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  • Level 5*

In the Windows app,  and maybe in others,  you have a choice when making a copy of a note to preserve (or not) -

  • the created date and the updated date of the original,  and
  • any tags applied.

So if I were creating a phone call note,  the logical time to create it would be when I take or make the phone call.  So I copy the original template but not its created date,  which gives me a note created now,  and updated when I finish entering the details.  Which seems logical to me...

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Agreed, hence the overall design concept, since it is a data related vs presentation related.

Meanwhile I really try to only use the template on my PC. But if I do use my iPad I tag it and fix it later. Pain, but it works around.

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  • 3 years later...

Just wanted to bring this "issue" back up. For the people that use Template notes, the normal behavior would be to RESET the created date. On the Mac it works correctly (for me at least). On the IOS it keeps the original created date.

If you use a template on IOS, the problem will be reflected when you have a Sort by Create Date: then the new notes will way down the  list, making it hard to find.

I hope this gets changed or that you get a question/option to maintain or change the original created date. Something like a "duplicate function" and a "create new from..." function.

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  • Level 5*
29 minutes ago, Eduardo Estefano said:

I hope this gets changed or that you get a question/option to maintain or change the original created date. Something like a "duplicate function" and a "create new from..." function.

You might post this as a feature request in forum https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/215-evernote-for-ios/

My opinion is there's a difference between Duplicate and Copy

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