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(Archived) Changing The Order of Photos Placed in a Note (Android)

Steve F.

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When will we be able to re-sequence the photos placed in a note from our Android smart phones?  Tech support told me this capability doesn't exist.  If I'm adding a 4 page User Manual by taking a picture of each page and one of the photos needs to be retaken when I retake the photo and edit the note I'm stuck with pages (my inserted pictures) out of order.

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  • Level 5*

Not sure about actually on Android, but it's certainly possible to reorder images on the Mac (and I'm sure Windows) clients.


Have you tried using one of the desktop clients?

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  • Level 5*

It's not possible to re-order pics in the Android client if you're taking several in the same note using the multi-shot camera.  I did report a problem with this a while ago in that the pics were ordered in reverse - last taken came first.  Not sure if that still applies.  Likewise not sure if it would be practical to offer a re-order option - at least not to use on a phone screen!


There are a variety of work-arounds including

  • take snaps into your device camera roll so you can choose which to upload to Evernote (remember you can email into Evernote and append by email using "+")
  • upload snaps individually and merge notes into the correct order
  • drag and drop pics on the desktop client
  • don't worry about pages out of order unless/ until you need to use the note - fix it later
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It's true you can re-order on the desktop client.  I do the majority of my EN work on the road.  (Galaxy Note 3)  As far as the, "first snap taken was last in order" bug it seems to randomly sequence the photos now...


For us non-tech EN users a simple cut and paste of the snaps would do the ordering trick while using that Android device...


I also wish the "X" choice was still available for each snap using the multi-shot camera.    This would drastically decrease the need to straighten out order.   Bring back the "X"! 


Any chance of this coming back?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am shocked that an application as revered as "evernote" wont allow you to reorder images and/or reorientate them.


I dont want to have to use the mac client, technology should make your life easier.  Using two devices to achieve a simple task is a foolish fix.


A better fix would be the developers ammending this problem, ASAP.


I would not pay for a membership until this was remedied.




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I am shocked that an application as revered as "evernote" wont allow you to reorder images and/or reorientate them.


I dont want to have to use the mac client, technology should make your life easier.  Using two devices to achieve a simple task is a foolish fix.


A better fix would be the developers ammending this problem, ASAP.


I would not pay for a membership until this was remedied.



I'm shocked (SHOCKED I SAY! (Sorry, Jeff - inside joke)) that I'm reading this.  We all know that as nifty as our phones/tablets are that they still are not on par with a desktop or even a laptop.  (The cold, hard truth.)  IMO, this seems like a limitation due to the hardware.  Software devs can only...do...so...much...

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