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(Archived) +1 to the 'Tried it again, didn't like it' community

Andy S

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Like many on here, I've been a long time Evernote user, AND an iPad notetaker.  


I've tried most (if not all) of the different notes out there, and agree with many that Noteshelf is head and shoulders above everything else. Compared to Noteshelf, Penultimate is a toy app..  It's not even top 20 as a serious note taking tool.


When Evernote bought Penultimate I was pretty exited about the possibilities and reloaded it to see what goodies they had added.  As it turns out my trial was short lived and I went back to Noteshelf.  I use Noteshelf's export feature to send image files to Evernote and get 'most' of the text search benefits Penultimate gives.


What I am utterly baffled by is Evernote's reluctance to admit that they have failed big style with Penultimate.  Guys, everyone is telling you it just doesn't work;  Terrible palm rejection, and what where you thinking with that daft '1 level auto zoom' feature?!?!  


To be an effective tool it just needs to work.  I can't stop a meeting and say "oh just please rewind, my notes app has just but loads of palm spots on my screen i need to rub out".  Noteshelf just does that.  It just work.  Every time.  You don't need to be clever.  Just implement a zoom like everyone else has got.  Your unique selling point is seamless Integration with the best information management tool on the internet.  You are a large software company, just put some bodies into making Penultimate the app that everyone is telling you it needs to be.



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What I am utterly baffled by is Evernote's reluctance to admit that they have failed big style with Penultimate.  Guys, everyone is telling you it just doesn't work

It's pretty clear that Penultimate doesn't work for you. What I'm not so clear about is why that means it's a complete failure. Other people may have different needs or preferences. Noteshelf was my preferred note taking app for a long time. Once Evernote bought Penulatimate, I switched. Noteshelf has gone from a nice, simple app to one with way too many features and options for my taste. I want the digital equivalent of a pen and paper. Penultimate gives me that. I open it. I write. It saves to Evernote. Noteshelf is a great app. It's good that you, like me, have found something that works for you.

Best of luck.

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OK I'm sorry but I've got to jump in here... megsaint you worte <<  I want the digital equivalent of a pen and paper. Penultimate gives me that. >> No it does not!!!!


  • I tried too write at a snail's pace and still Penultimate inking engine skips, jumps and places my ink marks in random places. ( btw I'm using the latest Penultimate 5.0.2 build released on Dec 10, 2013)  and my stylus is a Jot Script Evernote edition.


  • As for the Palm rejection its completely horrible; after attempting to write just three sentences there are random marks all over the page. I spend more time using the undo button than using my Jot Script stylus.


  • Finally there should be a way to adjust the auto scroll feature when scripting in Zoom view, the default is just too fast.


With Noteshelf I have none of the above issues. ( see my other post "And the Winner is?" http://discussion.evernote.com/topic/48951-and-the-winner-is/)  


If Evernote wants to be considered a serious Notebook contender for capturing my scripts they have to vastly improve the inking capabilities of Penultimate. Their base product Evernote is probably my favorite software product ever!!! Its a shame that while they've mastered the integration between Penultimate and Evernote, Penultimate's  raison d'être is where it fails to shine.  :(

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OK I'm sorry but I've got to jump in here... megsaint you worte <<  I want the digital equivalent of a pen and paper. Penultimate gives me that. >> No it does not!!!!

Yes, it does give ME that. Whether or not you like it is no concern of mine. Use the tool you most prefer. Just don't tell me my preferences are wrong.

Best of luck.

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