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(Archived) Select Editor Option (All OS Binaries)

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It would be great if you gave the option to select an editor within the installed products (e.g. Sublime, VIM, Emacs, SlickEdit, TextMate). The default editor is extremely lacking in features and options so rather than invest in implementing them it would be easier to allow the end user to select a different editor. 

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  • Level 5*

Evernote is looking at this area - the editor,  not (AFAIK) a choice of editors - so maybe there will be some movement here soon.  However with multiple OS's there are a lot of potential options and you can bet that if Evernote chose some of them,  those using the others would immediately howl in protest.  "Easier" it's not.

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  • Level 5*

The problem with trying to hook in external editors is that they need to be able to edit ENML documents in a WYSIWIG fashion (as the internal editors do). As a secondary option, it might be nice to have the ability to edit the raw ENML code, much like the 3rd-party ENMLEdit site (http://enml-editor.ping13.net/) does, and assuming a syntax-check on the return into Evernote.

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