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(Archived) Text Formatting Evernote Windows vs. Android App

Michael F.

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I'm facing an annoying issue with formatting the text within a note. While editing some text on Windows (latest Evernote version), I'm using colors and the strike out feature for some words. When loading the note onto my Android, all those text formatting has gone. OTH, I can see a warning telling my that I'm using unsupported text formatting or similar and that's it.


After syncing and returning back on Windows, all previously done work has been rolled back.


Is there an option to have text formatting in sync, too, or is it just an annoying difference between Windows an Android? 



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  • Level 5*

Annoying difference.


If you need to make changes in Android and the text isn't available for normal editing,  just 'add' your changes by creating a new note.  You can merge or cut/ paste the two together later if necessary.

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Hi gazumped,


thanks for your reply. I assume that there is a difference according to your first sentence ;)


That means that text editing between Windows and Android is not fully compatible, correct? Just to be sure: coloring and the strike out format and maybe others too, are not available on Android side. I wonder why Evernote offers formatting options that are not available on all platforms.


If this is the case I will loose some styles after synching between those devices.



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  • Level 5*

Sorry if I was over-terse,  but yes - different platforms do have different access to and variable effects on your note content.  Desktops clients have the most comprehensive facilities,  so I'd tend to keep other edits separate or to a minimum - maybe have a separate notebook for mobile notes and keep copies in there rather than originals? - Don't know exactly what you're processing here,  so that may be impractical;  but there must be workarounds that will help avoid any catastrophes until the editing options are more in line...

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