tell application "Evernote" set new_note_title to "AMAZON : Book 20130133" set notebook_name to "Import FileMaker" set new_note_text to "test note" if (not (tag named "Amazon" exists)) then make tag with properties {name:"Amazon"} end if set tag1 to tag "Amazon" --construct the note-- set note1 to create note title new_note_title from file "file://Macintosh HD/Users/seb/Documents/Import/20130133.pdf" notebook notebook_name assign tag1 to note1 end tell
My problem is around the filename. If i change the "set note1 to create…" line by it's work fine but it's not what I want to do
set note1 to create note title new_note_title with text new_note_text notebook notebook_name
iLandes 0
I'm trying to make an Apple script in filemaker to import a file (pdf) in Evernote.
Here's the code generate by my Filemaker script (inspired by :
My problem is around the filename. If i change the "set note1 to create…" line by it's work fine but it's not what I want to do
If somebody have solution…
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