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(Archived) Bitqwik Errors

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Hello all - 

Just installed bitqwik and I am getting an error message with invalid login.. currently using the latest version of both apps. Can anyone help on this?








// ============== START ERROR REPORT for BitQwik Version( ==================


// --------- Evernote Information --------------



EXE Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Evernote\Evernote\Evernote.exe

Script Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Evernote\Evernote\ENScript.exe


Report date: 11/28/2013 11:13:09




// -------------- USER COMMENTS -------------------------------






// -------------- SEARCH FILTERS LIST -------------------------------






// -------------- INCLUDE WORDS -------------------------------






// -------------- EXCLUDE WORDS -------------------------------






// -------------- NATURAL LANGUAGE QUERY -------------------------------


Show me notes that contain the word Evernote.  Leave out notes I created this week.




// -------------- ACTUAL SEARCH QUERY -------------------------------




// -------------- MATCH STYLE (or = ANY, and = ALL) ------------------


Match style (logical connector): and




// -------------- QUERY (Last parse) -------------------------------


notes that have Hot Air's in the title




// -------------- QUERY (Curated) -------------------------------






// -------------- Selected Parser -------------------------------






// -------------- ERROR LOG -------------------------------


----------------- ERROR ------------------------

Exception class name: Exception

Exception error messge: (TfrmMainSoftTagger.cmdTestErrorHandlingClick) Test error raised.

Sender name: cmdTestErrorHandling

Offending Note ID (if any): (none)

Stack trace: Exception - (TfrmMainSoftTagger.cmdTestErrorHandlingClick) Test error raised. }

ClassName - Exception }

[0063D37D] mainSoftTagger.TfrmMainSoftTagger.cmdTestErrorHandlingClick (Line 3684, "mainSoftTagger.pas" + 1) + $11

[0045E0D2] Controls.TControl.Click (Line 4621, "Controls.pas" + 9) + $C

[00599364] zAnimate.TzColorBtn.Click (Line 3656, "zAnimate.pas" + 10) + $3

[0045E653] Controls.TControl.WMLButtonUp (Line 4757, "Controls.pas" + 6) + $33

[0045DEA7] Controls.TControl.WndProc (Line 4561, "Controls.pas" + 53) + $8

[00464BE4] Controls.TWinControl.GetHandle (Line 7673, "Controls.pas" + 1) + $3

[00461957] Controls.TWinControl.IsControlMouseMsg (Line 6189, "Controls.pas" + 1) + $A

[00461B8E] Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Line 6242, "Controls.pas" + 33) + $6

[00461760] Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc (Line 6139, "Controls.pas" + 3) + $9

[0042E830] Classes.StdWndProc (Line 10563, "classes.pas" + 8) + $0

[00485BE5] Forms.TApplication.StopHintTimer (Line 7128, "Forms.pas" + 3) + $D

[00484D00] Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage (Line 6696, "Forms.pas" + 13) + $4

[00484D47] Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage (Line 6715, "Forms.pas" + 1) + $6

[00484FE2] Forms.TApplication.Run (Line 6799, "Forms.pas" + 16) + $3

[00651548] BitQwik.BitQwik (Line 95, "" + 26) + $7




// -------------- MIXED LOGIC SEARCH DETAILS -------------------------------






// -------------- MIXED LOGIC TIMING INFORMATION -------------------------------




// ============== END REPORT ==================


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