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(Archived) using Evernote Premium on iPad 16GB


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I want to upgrade to Evernote premium, but I am scared that doing that will save all my notes so as to make all my notes available offline to my iPad. I have a space crunch there.
i would be happy to allocate about 200MB to Evernote, but not more than that. Is there a feature in which I can limit to how much data Evernote can store locally in my devices? 

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  • Level 5*

Offline notebooks are designated on a per-device basis, so you can control which ones are offline and which are normal depending on how much available storage you have available on that device.

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  • Level 5

I use Evernote Premium on a 16GB ipad (with about 400 other apps on it).

I would only suggest carefully considering how much offline content/notebooks to do.

Not just for space, but for performance reasons.


If you just sync in the default online manner, it doesn't use much local storage.

Just a cache of the meta data, and recently accessed content.

I have a 5 year old account with a good mix of note content, about 5000 notes.

The app itself takes up 60MB, and the data another 80MB.

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