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(Archived) Can't delete Note titled "Note" in iPad

Ruth S

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I accidentally  created a note that is just titled Note.  I deleted it on my Mac but I can't open it on my iPad and keep getting a notice that just says

Unsupported URL

Evernote can’t load the note “Note” because of an unknown error: NSURLErrorDomain code-1002.


So it doesn't delete it by syncing and I can't find a way to delete it directly on my iPad. 






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So you are unable to swipe left and reveal these options on ANY note? 


In that case I recommend you:

1) Log out and log back in. 


If that doesn't work:

2) uninstall the app from your iPad and reinstall it. 



I would imagine that should resolve BOTH the fact that you have a stubborn note AND that you can't reveal that menu. 


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