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(Archived) Search for a range of numbers

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Is there a way to search for a range of numbers contained in the Note Title?


Many of my notes have no relevance after a period of time.  If I included in the Note Title "DELETE ON 140501" when it was created, could I search for notes at some time in July of 2014 for all notes that contain the Delete ON dates from say 130101 to 140630 and then delete them?


I don't see the need to keep useless data on file.



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Is there a way to search for a range of numbers contained in the Note Title?


Many of my notes have no relevance after a period of time.  If I included in the Note Title "DELETE ON 140501" when it was created, could I search for notes at some time in July of 2014 for all notes that contain the Delete ON dates from say 130101 to 140630 and then delete them?


I don't see the need to keep useless data on file.




In your example, you cannot search on a range.  But you can use a wildcard.  If you have "DELETE ON 140501" in the title, you can search on:


intitle:delete intitle:14* (to get everything to delete in 2014)




intitle:delete intitle:1405* (to get everything to delete in May 2014)

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