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(Archived) Selecting the notebook on WM?

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Maybe I'm missing something, but on the windows mobile version, is there a way to select the notebook from the list of notes? I see that when editing a note I can change the notebook, but I'd like to have the notebook selection when I'm just viewing a note. And possibly as a dropdown at the top right?

So when viewing my list of notes, I'd like to have a dropdown to show all or individual notebooks. This would be a good step toward a search capability.

Are you familiar with Natara's Bonsai outlining program? I love it and use it. They have a great tagging capability where you can create tag categories and add multiple tags (keywords) to an item. In Evernote, if you could have something similar so that at the very least you could select a tag and retrieve those notes. Also, since you are processing each note, maybe you could auto-tag a note if it contains text matching an existing tag? Just a thought. Let me know if you want more technical details. (I am a programmer)


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We don't currently expose a UI for changing the notebook on mobile phones due to the limited screen space on these devices. You could manually filter on a notebook by searching for it using the advanced search term:

notebook:"Cook Book"

Once you do this, you could save the search and use the saved search again.

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