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(Archived) Camera Recommendation Please

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I am not prepared to get an iPhone right now. I'm waiting for the exclusive contract with AT&T to end so I can buy an iPhone and use it with Verizon. I have an iPod Touch and I like it.

In order to get more functionality from EverNote I would like to purchase a compact camera and an SD card that can upload photos through WiFi. I am familar with the Eye-Fi card, so I am covered on that end. What I am looking for is a recommendation for a camera with a good quality lens and a micro setting so I get really close up to take pictures of text, which is my primary intended use for the camera. I plan to use the camera to capture magazine articles at the library and nutritional information from products in the grocery store... that type of thing.

Any suggestions?


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  • 2 months later...

I am resurrecting this post because I have not yet purchased a new point and shoot camera.

I did, however, see a review of the Ricoh CX1 in the latest issue of Photoshop User magazine. They say that this is a great second camera to have on hand.

I found it on Amazon.com at the folliwng url:

http://www.amazon.com/Ricoh-Digital-Poi ... 593&sr=8-2

The package includes a SD card, a case, and an extra battery, so it looks like a good deal even though this is a relatively expensive point and shoot camera.

I am primarily interested in the macro function for snapping pictures of magazine articles and hand written notes.

It also has an HDR function where it takes two pictures simultaneously and merges the properly exposed areas of both pictures. That's neat.

Has anyone here used this camera, and if so, do you like it?


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Since you are on Verizon, I thought I'd mention that I have a Blackberry Storm which I use for the purpose you suggest. I've downloaded the Evernote mini-app, and if I click on picture, it sends me to the camera app and automatically sends the result to Evernote. The camera easily takes good enough pics for OCR to work well, and of course for me to read the text in the image easily. This might be an option for you, or for someone not set on an iPhone.


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Thanks for the reply about the Storm. I'll consider it. I feel tied to Verizon even though I am between contracts. They keep sending me things to entice me to stick around for another two years. At first they tried to get me to upgrade to a new phone. When that didn't work they offered to pay my phone bill for a couple months. I didn't bite though because I wanted to remain free. I'm still very conflicted though. I'll look at the Storm.

Thanks again.


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