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(Archived) Screenshot annotation

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Any plan to add screenshot/picture annotation like for exemple in "Skitch" ?

I take a lot of screenshot using the EN Clipper, but it will be really amazing to be able to annotate the screenshots directly within Evernote.


PS: Maybe that could be a premium feature only ;P


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We don't currently do this, but you can right-click on any image in your account to open it in your favorite image editor. When you save the file, the changes should go right back into your note.

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Thanks for the reply, ok that's a solution, but not it's not very "smooth". Will wait to see if EN add this feature one day :)

Btw, if someone got a link to a nice screenshot annotation program (like Skitch on the MAC) let me know ... (I don't want a full featured paint program or things like that.)

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(At least on Win)

You could toggle clipping mode and right-click anywhere on screen to "Toggle Drawing Mode". (Instead of right-click you could toggle that mode by "D" key)

Thats not so feature-rich as other tools (cause you can not type text, only draw)

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(At least on Win)

You could toggle clipping mode and right-click anywhere on screen to "Toggle Drawing Mode". (Instead of right-click you could toggle that mode by "D" key)

Thats not so feature-rich as other tools (cause you can not type text, only draw)

Thanks! Didn't know about this, it's better than nothing.

Too bad it could not be done after screenshot is already in the note ... (well I can still screenshot the screenshot :) ).


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well I can still screenshot the screenshot

Thank you too, i didn't thought of it. It's pretty fast way to do annotations if you have good handwriting or shape input :) and do not have time or good tools to annotate shots/pics in external editor.

Also, You could always type in some text after inserted screenshot and put it on the pic itself later. That'll be good if you don't have "good handwriting or shape input". Just for anyone who didn't thought of it. :)

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Yeah, just being able to type some text on it will be fine. But that's not so important because there are already some workarounds (and not so difficult as I think). They surely would be able to add this feature, just wait for a while and take screenshots separately or use smth from above posts.

Also, I remembered about Tarpipe and I think if you are really concerned with your little problem then you could find a way to automate whole procedure of screenshotting - annotating - evernoting. Sorry if I am wrong, I had no time to play with Tarpipe for a good amount of time.

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