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(Archived) Snippet & Card View: Thumbnails zoom in / crop image attachments

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I have 1 picture per note (they're photos of exercises) and I want the full picture to show in the thumbnail.  But, each thumbnail is zoomed in and crops out a lot of the image.  I have the Windows Desktop version, and the Android version on my tablet and phone.  Thanks. 

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  • Level 5*

Try adding a big boundary frame to your pictures so the cropped version still includes the original picture.  You'd need to do some experimentation to find out how extreme to get.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I agree with OP.

I have really embraced the new tie up with 3m for Post-its.

I love managing to-dos with post its, and can now scan into evernote.

It would be so great if the card view displayed the full post it - both are square so its a superb match.

As EN knows which notes are post-its, and we know a post it is always 1:1 ratio, maybe EN client could be enhanced to display full post it in cards view?

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