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(Archived) Shortcuts Changed


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Hey, A little while ago most of my keyboard shortcuts stopped working. The one I use most frequently is probably CTRL+SHIFT+C to insert a to-do checkbox. It does nothing anymore. Did the shortcuts change? I looked around online and nobody has updated any hotkey lists so either it's changed and nobody has bothered to point it out or I'm experiencing some kind of error. If someone could enlighten me, It would be very much appreciated  :D



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Hi Dragosant, welcome to the forum :)

The Ctrl + Shift + C shortcut still works for me, perhaps you have another program that is interfering with that hotkey?

I think Skitch could be one potential culprit, if it is running in the tray, it uses that combination for starting a new clip from the clipboard.

Unfortunately it's hotkeys, in their current form do not play too nice with other apps. Hopefully one day this will change.

If not skitch, maybe another app?


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The Ctrl + Shift + C shortcut still works for me, perhaps you have another program that is interfering with that hotkey?

I think Skitch could be one potential culprit


I closed Skitch and all hotkeys resumed functioning normally! Thanks a ton for your quick, helpful response and warm welcome!


This should probably get fixed, cause one day I'd like to try using all evernote products in sync!


Thanks a bunch once again! :D

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You're welcome :)

Yes, I hope that eventually they are configurable, because the conflicts can be quite annoying at times.

You can turn off the Skitch tray icon (in the skitch settings) so that when you close it, you wont have a continual hotkey conflict.


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