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(Archived) My growing list of feature requests and changes

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During the last few weeks of using Evernote I have been keeping a list of features I feel may be missing, and changes that I would find useful.

I will update the post as I add to my list. If a feature exists already - please let me know! :D

  • [*:3iewvk12] Smart Notebooks/Folders - Notebooks that are populated based on rules. e.g. "All notes with the following tags", "excluding these tags", or "from web, contain the word 'banana' and were created in 2009" and so on
    [*:3iewvk12] Wiki-Style Links between notes - I have seen this requested before, quite self explanatory
    [*:3iewvk12] Expires attribute - ability to put an expiry date on a note. e.g. mark a receipt for expiring after 12 months. Expired items could either be deleted or moved to a folder/notebook.
    [*:3iewvk12] Version control on Notes - so able to view and revert to older copies.
    [*:3iewvk12] View OCR text output - unless I am mistaken, you cannot currently view the raw text output from the OCR of an image.
    [*:3iewvk12] Password Protect and encrypt database (for using evernote on work pc or for securing the portable version incase its lost)
    [*:3iewvk12] Subscribe to other peoples shared Evernote notebooks - ability to "subscribe" to someones notebook, and autopmatically receive their new notes/changes
    [*:3iewvk12] Ability to share (and sync) a notebook between multiple users - If I am working on something with a friend, we can have a common notebook that shows on both our Evernote accounts. We both have the ability to add/delete/change the notes inside. I guess this is similar to the idea of subscribing to a notebook, but in this case the user has write access.

If I think of any more than i'll add them. Hope they are of use!


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  • [*:17ruosfc] Expires attribute - ability to put an expiry date on a note. e.g. mark a receipt for expiring after 12 months. Expired items could either be deleted or moved to a folder/notebook.
As a workaround, you could add an "expires" tag to such items, set their Subject Date in the future and search for expired notes with [tag].
  • [*:17ruosfc] View OCR text output - unless I am mistaken, you cannot currently view the raw text output from the OCR of an image.

I've written a script for the windows version of Evernote to get the best guess out of the OCR data. I think the tool I used to process the XML export data should work on Macs, although the batch file would need to be rewritten to something that would work and Macs and to use whatever the alternative to ENScript.exe is for getting exports out of Evernote for Macs.

Alternatively you could just look at the raw export format in a text editor, but there's no formatting of the OCR data so it's a bit difficult to wade through without some processing.

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I also think you could publish a notebook to a select few. I've been using Evernote for a while now, and the only important thing missing, is the ability to share notebooks with my colleagues. Please keep in mind that if it were possible, we would most likely need the Premium service.... :)

Also, we would gladly participate in Beta testing.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Smart Notebooks/Folders - Notebooks that are populated based on rules. e.g. "All notes with the following tags", "excluding these tags", or "from web, contain the word 'banana' and were created in 2009" and so on

This sounds like a "saved search" to me...? Or do you really want notes physically moved into a new notebook, rather than just a view that shows the equivalent?

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