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GAPING SECURITY HOLE: Unable to un-share a note?!

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After spending over an hour searching evernote (win7), I'm pretty sure the option is gone...

How is this possible?


If you right-click on the note's snippet or card and then hover over the share option, you can then select "stop sharing".  I'm not sure why that option doesn't appear in the share menu at the top of the note.

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The solution given by BasieBand does not work in the web version of Evernote. 


OP was asking about Windows 7.  The web client allows you to unshare a notebook.  But you may need to use a desktop client to unshare a single note.

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  • Level 5*

..and as far as "Gaping security hole" is concerned,  once you let someone else see your note,  they can easily copy or screengrab it to keep the content.  Stopping the share doesn't make the content invisible if there's a copy somewhere...

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  • 10 months later...

It's still a messy little bug-er, I wrote a note to myself this morning, and then scrambled to unshare it, before it synched.

I had to delete it and re-write it to myself, I still don't know if I was in fact, compromised, what a carry on!


This is not important, until it is, and that's the scary part. How/where can I 'lobby' to get evernote to move the 'unshare' option to somewhere visible instantly?


And... is there shorthand for 'evernote' in common usage, it's a pain to type.


Whine over, back in my box...

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