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Low quality images on android app

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I scanned in some pages from a book earlier today to do some study and prep for a presentation I'm giving at the end of the week.  I attached all the images into a note (tagged so I could find it) and continued with my day.  I get home and pull out my android tablet to review the stuff and use skitch to highlight and markup, but when I pull up the note I found the images and text within to be somewhere between barely and not legible.  I'm not talking about view the image in the actual note, I'm talking about after i touch the image and the full screen image view opens up.  I would expect the images to be of low quality in the note viewer on android because that is how it is on the desktop.  In order to read any of the text i have to open the image and zoom in, so I expect the same on the mobile versions.  Before posting I checked google and found this post, 28226-pics-are-shown-in-low-resolution-in-native-android-app/, I don't really want to save the images into a PDF because the documents that I scanned are filled with charts and graphics and I value the ability to scroll through the note and see them at a glance.   Any suggestions as to how (or if) I can tell the app to download the full images? I've attached screen shots of the note/image in question from a desktop client and the android client, zooming on both was necessary to read the text.




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  • Level 5*

Beyond obvious differences in screen size and ultimate resolution I've never seen any major differences between images displayed in my Windows desktop -vs- displays on the Android.  Have you tried opening the images in different Android apps?  And scanning an original at different DPI resolutions?  Raise this with the Support Guys too - if it's something to do with Skitch or the OS maybe it can be fixed in future...

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Following your advice, I saved one of the images from the note in question and opened it with the default gallery app, image quality was just like on the desktop.  I could zoom and and read the text with out issue.  I'll raise it with support and see what they say.

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Guest mrossk

This is to speed up the swiping between many pics. To view a pic in full resolution on Android open it and at the top right of the screen tap on the Skitch-Symbol. Then the pic is shown in full resolution and you can zoom in and see all details. I have made a forum entry many months ago exactly about this but got no answer other than this workaround.

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I figured that the lower resolution images on the note itself was to allow more fluid scrolling.  But what I didn't expect is that the images would still be low resolution after tapping on them and going into full screen image mode.  Going in to "Mark up" (Skitch) does improve the quality, but by the time I zoom in, the quality is still no where near what the native gallery app is for the same image.

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Guest mrossk

Oh, yes, you are right. Even Skitch does not show the picture in full resolution. This is strange.

Attaching the pic to an e-mail asks me what resolution I want to attach. When I choose "original" and then open the attached picture before sending the e-mail I can zoom in and see the full details.

I would also like to have an easier way to see the full resolution.

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  • 6 months later...
This is still an issue. Viewing images in Gallery viewer (from Evernote) is a really disappointing experience on my Nexus 7. Especially for scanned text, which I often find myself wanting to zoom in on to see details. It's just not possible now, the resolution is too low. The workaround to open in Skitch sort of works, but you lose the ability to swipe from image to image, so it's not a satisfying solution.


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