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(Archived) Saved Searches in V


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Good Afternoon, Everyone!


I like the look of the new client on the Windows side. Thanks for your diligence, Evernote.


I live and die by my saved searches, however. I am quite sad that I will potentially have to re-create them, one-at-a-time.


Why did you make my set of saved searches go away? Do they no longer sync across installations?


Very concerned about this one, guys.



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Thanks, Jefito!


I am surprised that the "saved searches" from versions 3-4.x are not automatically converted to "shortcuts".


The "saved searches" always synced properly among my various clients. Now my concern is that I will need to manually enter all of my now-shortcuts across my various clients to assure that the sync is happening correctly.


Any tips on how to export my saved searches from a version 4.x client so I can import them to the 5.0 client?





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  • Level 5*

So the question is,are saved searches that are not also shortcuts are not synced? I'll need to check this against my home account and my mobile devices later on, when I get out of work.

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