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(Archived) evernote synchronization and tasks

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Hi all. A new user here and I have some questions about synchronization with external programs and task lists.

I am working in a company where we are using a lot Microsoft outlook to get emails and also create tasks from them and events. I discovered evernote and I like it but I am thinking if there is a way to integrate it with outlook so that I be able to synchronize events, tasks, and notes from emails.

Also one other thing is there a way to integrate Google tasks, calendar with outlook and evernote?

Thanks in advance and sorry for my bad English.

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There are a few third-party solutions for sending a note to Google Calendar as a task.  The one I settled on is a stand-alone script that runs in your Gmail account, and has a special e-mail address that you share a note with (Share > Send by Email in EN) and generates a Google calendar task.

I like it because my notes are not shared in the cloud and they only go when I specifically email them to my "calendar" email address.  The script is uploaded to Google so  it should stay there when I get a new computer (no re-installation necessary).


I send my calendar task emails from Evernote but Google doesn't care where they come from - it could just as easily be Outlook with a few tweaks (I haven't tried it).  It's geeky to set up but works flawlessly and permanently.


hansennick has already shared the source (thank you, hansennick):




In the other direction, you can of course simply e-mail anything to your special Evernote address.

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