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Web Request: Show attachments as attachments (not displayed inline) when sharing notes

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I have a note with a few dozen PDFs of varying lengths that I shared with people. It looks great on my Mac, because I have all of the PDFs as icons only (view as attachment). On the web, I discovered that it looks awful, because all of the PDFs are shown inline. Not only that, but they have some mysterious icon above them that I guess people are supposed to figure out that they have to click on in order to open the PDFs. As if this wasn't enough (uncontrollable display elements and mystery meat navigation) the PDFs are often blank when shown inline!

Well, it may not seem like a big deal, but when you are sharing with people who are unfamiliar with Evernote, it kind of ruins the experience. I hope we can adjust this so that the Web recognizes my settings when I share a note, or just closes the PDFs automatically. After all, if I send a few 200 page PDFs to someone, it doesn't make sense to expect them to scroll through them all to see everything in the note.

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I have a note with a few dozen PDFs of varying lengths that I shared with people. It looks great on my Mac, because I have all of the PDFs as icons only (view as attachment). On the web, I discovered that it looks awful, because all of the PDFs are shown inline. Not only that, but they have some mysterious icon above them that I guess people are supposed to figure out that they have to click on in order to open the PDFs. As if this wasn't enough (uncontrollable display elements and mystery meat navigation) the PDFs are often blank when shown inline!

Well, it may not seem like a big deal, but when you are sharing with people who are unfamiliar with Evernote, it kind of ruins the experience. I hope we can adjust this so that the Web recognizes my settings when I share a note, or just closes the PDFs automatically. After all, if I send a few 200 page PDFs to someone, it doesn't make sense to expect them to scroll through them all to see everything in the note.

I fully agree and I'm waiting for a decent answer from Evernote support.

Even a "will put it on the todo list" would be an answer....

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

I fully agree too!


Furthermore, big pdf files often freezes my browser ...



Sorry, I'm late; I was referring to a note without "Show as attachment" ticked, tha's why I was seeing the entire PSD in web shared notes.

Wll done, EN; thanks a lot.


Now there's only need to change the ad pop-up in shared notes :P



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