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(Archived) Evernote 5 for Windows is Awesome! (And works on Linux too)


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I was so impressed with the new Evernote 5 for windows that I wrote this on my Blog.

The core message is in colour


I'm not going to babble on too much about Evernote, those that use it, swear by it.
When I read about the "new Evernote flat interface" I just smiled and thought "Here we go - everyone is jumping onto the 'flat design interface' and Evernote is no exception"

I downloaded it any way because I was hooked by the new feature which automatically brings up related document as you type (in fact it's happening right now while I type this.)
It will also bring up related documents during search.

Simple enough, but this addition can too easily be underestimated.
This function is a massive leap forward because the biggest change is not in the software, but in your brain.

For the first time, software is now beginning to work like the human brain (by association) and the constant stream of associated / related snippets of information that present themselves to you as you work is going to turbo charge your own association ... and memory links. This is going to jog your memory, create cross connection, enhance creativity, and enhance intuition.
When you start to see connections between things that you didn't realize before - that's an effective IQ boost.

It's difficult to explain intuition and gestalt moments in words, but in a few months, I'm sure people will be talking about it.

But I digress ..

So I installed it under wine on my 6 year old  Lubuntu desktop and when it loaded, at first there were no files.
I thought that it was a linux-wine compatibility issue, but then I saw that Evernote was re-indexing my database for optimal performance - nice.

And then I saw the interface - and after a bad week, this just made me feel so much better.

Clean, nay more than clean, Zen-like - this interface is the very essence of sublime and understated elegance.
Just pure simple off white and dark grey text with minimal dark grey icons.

This, by coincidence is the exact them I use when setting up vim or any text editor to be used for long typing session.

Well done Evernote, this is more than just a cosmetic change.

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  • Level 5*

Lutherian, I'm glad you find the new EN Win 5 UI design so pleasing.  I'm sure they (the designers) will be delighted to hear this.  I can even see quotes from your post showing up in an Evernote blog or interview somewhere down the road.


All I can say is that beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder.  As pleasing as you find this design, many of us do not like it, and find that it lacks the visual cues to help us quickly navigate the various parts of the screen.

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Totally agree with this "I was hooked by thenew feature which automatically brings up related document as you type".  It's really quite impressive.


I, for one, prefer more visual aids; colors!  Not a fan of the bland, (flat) design at all. I'm sure the new design helps with speed.

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  • Level 5*

I was so impressed with the new Evernote 5 for windows that I wrote this on my Blog.

The core message is in colour


I'm not going to babble on too much about Evernote, those that use it, swear by it.

When I read about the "new Evernote flat interface" I just smiled and thought "Here we go - everyone is jumping onto the 'flat design interface' and Evernote is no exception"

I downloaded it any way because I was hooked by the new feature which automatically brings up related document as you type (in fact it's happening right now while I type this.)

It will also bring up related documents during search.

Simple enough, but this addition can too easily be underestimated.

This function is a massive leap forward because the biggest change is not in the software, but in your brain.

For the first time, software is now beginning to work like the human brain (by association) and the constant stream of associated / related snippets of information that present themselves to you as you work is going to turbo charge your own association ... and memory links. This is going to jog your memory, create cross connection, enhance creativity, and enhance intuition.

When you start to see connections between things that you didn't realize before - that's an effective IQ boost.

It's difficult to explain intuition and gestalt moments in words, but in a few months, I'm sure people will be talking about it.

But I digress ..

So I installed it under wine on my 6 year old  Lubuntu desktop and when it loaded, at first there were no files.

I thought that it was a linux-wine compatibility issue, but then I saw that Evernote was re-indexing my database for optimal performance - nice.

And then I saw the interface - and after a bad week, this just made me feel so much better.

Clean, nay more than clean, Zen-like - this interface is the very essence of sublime and understated elegance.

Just pure simple off white and dark grey text with minimal dark grey icons.

This, by coincidence is the exact them I use when setting up vim or any text editor to be used for long typing session.

Well done Evernote, this is more than just a cosmetic change.

Glad to hear!

I'm pretty pleased with the layout and new functionality as well. I've always been a fan of the Windows app, and this makes it that much better. I have quibbles, to be sure, but I've mentioned those elsewhere. The related search / notes suggestions are a nice touch. My only suggestion for improvement (also made elsewhere) is to make them scrollable, so I can wander through my memories from most related to least. I've seen some nice implementations of this in other software, and I can strongly recommend it as a feature. The Evernote team is moving in a nice direction!

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