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(Archived) how to add note shortcut to shared notebook


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Hi all,


is there any method able add a note shortcut into a shared-notebook ?


i shared ONE syc_notebook to my friend, but the problem is how to add notes shortcut from other notebook into this ONE syc_notebook ?


for example i have total 3 notebook,

Car_book (i want to share 5 notes ONLY, not the whole notebook)

Game_book (i want to share 3 notes ONLY, not the whole notebook)
Share_book (this book already added to my friend win client)


i know can copy the 5+3 notes from Car , Game_book into Share_book, but this will cause if i edited the original 5+3 notes, i also need to make changes the notes inside Share_book too


so any method just add a note shortcut from other notebook into this Share_book ?

if yes, my friend just open his win client can see all my share notes under my name


sorry my english not very well :P

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