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(Archived) Windows Mobile - "Upload failed"

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After having successfully used the WM client (3.3.42128) for a couple of days now, all of a sudden I can no longer upload new notes.

I can login OK from my iPAQ rx5910/WM 5.0, and my previous notes display OK, but any new note, including pending notes stored on the iPAQ, are met with an "Upload failed" error.

I have checked the Settings to ensure that EN WM is not trying to "use the cellular network" - my iPAQ only connects by WiFi.

The Evernet Mobile Web is working fine with Opera Mobile and Pocket Internet Explorer.

Any idea what has gone wrong?

- Jeff Schallenberg

Mont Saint-Hilaire, Québec

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Well, I submitted a ticket to Evernote Support at the same time as I posted this call for help.

Lo, and behold! Support got back to me with several suggestions last night. And their first suggestion did the trick - one of the notes I was trying to upload had some problematic content. I removed all the pending notes from the queue, and then I could upload new notes. Unfortunately, I don't know which note was causing the problem, but if it happens again, I will nvestigate more thoroughly.

- Jeff

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