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(Archived) Penultimate Needs More Functional Features


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I have penultimate for its seamless transition to Evernote. But I feel Penultimate needs more features to make it mor functional for a business office environment.

1. Need writing text magnification - So we can write on the lines being able to use more space on one page.

2. Binders would be great

3. The ability to Type text in some cases where fonts can change and text be highlighted in different colors.

4. Insert Audio

5. Copy and Paste

These would be great upgrades and would make evernote more effective. I hate having to take my laptop into every meeting because Evernote does on my computer things it will not do on my ipad. But by making pen ultimate more functional I wouldn't have to carry my laptop because of the seamless transition penultimate has with Evernote. 2 Problems solved. Please make penultimate mor functional for different environments PLEASE!!!

I really want to use it more and see its potential.

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  • Level 5*

Hi. Welcome to the forums.


I agree that some of these features would be quite nice. Hopefully, they will come to the product eventually, as it is a constant work in progress. I hope you don't mind, but I've taken the liberty of modifying your title so that it will be a little clearer that you are talking about Penultimate.

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