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Solution to Premium problem with PowerPoint?

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I'm strongly considering getting Evernote Premium or Business for my team but I'm really hesitant based on what I've seen of the PowerPoint support. Don't get me wrong, it's great that you can search through Office files like PPT presentations, but in all the video and screenshots I've seen, it looks like these types of files still only function as attachments in Evernote. I need to be able to search and share a huge database of PPT slides (saved as individual files) and choose which ones to compile into presentations, and I've gotta do this task on a weekly basis. I can use the actual PPT application to compile them, no problem, but I need to be able to at lease preview these files from INSIDE Evernote, so I don't have to individually open each one to remember what it says. Please tell me this is currently possible in Evernote Premium or Business? That I can see the slides from inside Evernote and not have to open each file individually? If not, are there any plans to expand this functionality soon?

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Hi Rylandish and welcome to the forum,


I am a Business user but don't use powerpoint. I have just dropped a file into a new Note. It doesn't appear to be any different than your own version of Evernote. In that it cannot be previewed inside Evernote.


Really not sure if it is in the plan, but as you may be aware, Evernote employees do read the forum, so I am sure will take this on board if it is at all possible and deemed to be of use to others.


In the meantime, if there is a workaround I am sure others will post it for you.


Best regards




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In Mac, you can see a preview a powerpoint's files inside a note in Evernote if you right click on the PPT file in the note and select 'view inline'.

There is also a preferences settings to set this action by default to any office files that you add to a note.

I do not use Windows, but I guess it is similar.

Hope this help...



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In Mac, you can see a preview a powerpoint's files inside a note in Evernote if you right click on the PPT file in the note and select 'view inline'.

There is also a preferences settings to set this action by default to any office files that you add to a note.

I do not use Windows, but I guess it is similar.


Thanks so much, this helps a ton! Can anyone confirm if this option exists in the Windows desktop version as well?

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  • 4 months later...

I am having trouble pulling edited powerpoint files from my iPad to my macbook. I am new to the iPad but have used mac for a while. Please send any suggestions. I have the files on good reader but can start using a different method like evernote if it will sync with ease. I am in med school so need this figured out before classes really get going. I also use the jot script so evernote will be the best option if it works for powerpoint. Please send your two cents!

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