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(Archived) QUESTION: EN Hotkey Cheat Sheet?


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Hello EN Members:


Searching for an EverNote: HOTKEY CHEAT SHEET


I have done a search within the EN forum and knowledge base resulting in no find.


Does a FULL CHEAT SHEET exist?


For instance I did a search for HORIZONTAL LINE and found:

CTRL + ALT + "--"  ("dash""dash")




Thanks much in advance.  :)





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Hi Alan :)

There is the knowledgebase article here:


Though it is missing one or two:

- Increase/Decrease Font size: Ctrl + + and Ctrl + -

(This is listed incorrectly in the KB)

-Vertical list view: Ctrl + Shift + F5

- Horizontal Line: Ctrl + Shift + -

(Why this is missing is beyond me, it used to be there...)

There may be one or two more that I have forgotten but someone else will probably notice ;)


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