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(Archived) Feedback on ios app (ver 5.3.1)


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I just wanted to send my feedback on Evernote 5 for iOS. Overall I feel like it's a step backwards from ver 4. The main complaint is it's a lot slower to launch and use. The primary use for me is to be able to launch and add a note as fast as possible, and these days I've reverted to emailing myself notes because that takes fewer steps and is much faster. The pull-down-to-show menu is cute but it's still the same number of steps as the back button (in ver 4), and the extra animation just isn't worth the expense of custom UI.


The main points:



-App takes too long to launch, and switching between apps sometimes forces a full relaunch
-Too long to scroll, open note because of the extra texture/UI, custom editor, etc
-Typing often scrolls so that the cursor is offscreen (major bug)
-Notes sometimes don't resize properly and content is cut off offscreen (bug)
-Slow unnecessary animation when picking a different notebook
Using iphone 4, ios 6/7. 
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I have to say I like the iOS format, mainly for the handy tools it provides for retrieving info. I like that I can have my notes filtered differently on each pull down and jump back and forth as needed. With the addition of the slide-out favorites bar I can get to whatever info I need really quickly. The new format took some getting used to and the app does seem to open a little slower but if I'm in that much of a hurry to enter a new note I just use FastEver.

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The main complaint is it's a lot slower to launch and use. The primary use for me is to be able to launch and add a note as fast as possible, and these days I've reverted to emailing myself notes because that takes fewer steps and is much faster.

Please search the board on FastEver. As cynwren said, many of us use FastEver. There are other, similar apps. But that one seems to be the one most talked about on the board.

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