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(Archived) Is it Possible to Access Evernote Using a Non-Smartphone?

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I have a 3G non-smartphone running the Opera Mini browser. I know that Evernote has a mobile site (evernote.com/m), but when I try to visit it using my phone I am taken to the "About Evernote Mobile" page, which has links for downloading the various apps, but no way to login.


I have found through experimentation that if I go to evernote.com/mobile.login on my laptop, I am able to log in without a problem, but when I try to visit that same URL using my phone, I get "Sorry, that page wasn't found." So, my question is obvious: is there any way to use Evernote on a non-smartphone?


I use Evernote Web and the Evernote Android app on my Kindle Fire and I am very happy with both of those platforms, I just would like the ability to access my notes on my phone as well.


Thanks in advance for any answers that anyone could provide!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Level 5*

I have a 3G non-smartphone running the Opera Mini browser. I know that Evernote has a mobile site (evernote.com/m), but when I try to visit it using my phone I am taken to the "About Evernote Mobile" page, which has links for downloading the various apps, but no way to login.


I have found through experimentation that if I go to evernote.com/mobile.login on my laptop, I am able to log in without a problem, but when I try to visit that same URL using my phone, I get "Sorry, that page wasn't found." So, my question is obvious: is there any way to use Evernote on a non-smartphone?


I use Evernote Web and the Evernote Android app on my Kindle Fire and I am very happy with both of those platforms, I just would like the ability to access my notes on my phone as well.


Thanks in advance for any answers that anyone could provide!!


As I understand it, the thing to do with any kind of smart phone is to go to evernote.com/m Usually, you'll use the mobile page when something has gone wrong with the native app. The mobile site is read only, so it is limited use, but I have turned to it in the past (for example) when the iOS app couldn't handle PDFs properly.


However, it looks like this is no longer available. When I try to login, I get an error. I have not seen any announcement from Evernote that they are discontinuing Evernote mobile. Weirdly, I can login from my computer but not my smartphone, so it exists, but it just doesn't work for mobile anymore! LOL. I am guessing that is a bug, and I will report it. 


In your case, it is a moot point. The mobile site was designed with smartphones in mind. For feature phones, there was a DevCup entry last year that accomplished what you want.



The Evernote Trunk site is here.



The EV Website is here.


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  • Level 5*

Quick update: I tried connecting with my boyfriend's feature phone as well, but I run into the same problem and can't actually log in.


Anyone have any ideas on this?


According to Evernote support, ""Evernote Mobile"is no longer available," so I think that is definitely not a possibility. Let us know how EV works out. 

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