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Sending only annotations to Evernote?

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Hi there, 



I'm wondering if there's a way to (say) highlight passages in a pdf and then extract/send only the highlighted (or otherwise marked-up) text to Evernote. Ideally I'd like to be able to grab key passages from research papers without having to export the entire annotated pdf. I'm interested in whether this is possible in OSX (using Adobe, Skim, or something else) and also for iPad (using, say, Goodreader). In looking I've only found how to export an entire flattened pdf to Evernote, rather than only the passages of interest.



Any ideas?



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Even I have the same question.


More specifically, suppose I have read multiple web-pages related to a topic I'm researching and have highlighted important text using Evernote Clearly (or Web Clipper) and I want to have/extract ONLY the highlights in a note.


After the webpage is saved in Evernote (with the highlights), is it possible to extract ONLY the highlights into another note or clipboard?




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