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(Archived) Notes with no tags. Avoid immediate sort? Adding numerous tags to existing notes...


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I am making a large number of edits to existing notes as I am adding tags to those without.  Everytime I add a tag, all the notes sort again.  Is there a way to avoid this?


I am only adding tags to notes with no existing tags.  This means that after adding a tag, I have to scroll all the way to to bottom of the list (1000s of notes) and it is very inefficient.  


Any ideas?  


Thank you in advance.







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  • Level 5

To find notes without tags, use this search




But be warned, when you add a tag, the note will disappear from the search.

If you want to add multiple tags to the same note, use the Ctrl+Alt+T shortcut to open the "Assign Tags" window. Then click the boxes for the tags you want and press OK.

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