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(Archived) Email / Sharing Notes - Contact Management - Contact History


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Hello All -


Hopefully I'm just overlooking  a feature or add on application and am seeking your advice regarding the share feature in EN (Windows, Android)


I use the share feature to email notes, each time typing in the email addresses, for some notes that I send regularly, I've resorted to keeping a separate note with the email addresses to cut-copy & paste into the share dialog.


As far as a feature request, it would be nice if EN remembered a history of who we've shared notes with via email and provided an auto-populated list while typing in email addresses.


Is there a better way to manage contacts for use with the share feature, am I overlooking an add on application that would make this process easier?


Curious how others managing email address when using the share feature.







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  • Level 5*

Good call with the separate note with the contact list / sharee list..  that seems to be the only current way to keep tabs on who's got what...

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  • 6 months later...
  • Level 5*

I second that TomF and Evgeniy. I would be happy if EN just called my default email application and allowed me to send notes from there.

The in-EN email option seems "too little to satisfy" or a way to complicate somthing uncomplicated.




Using external mail clients means working out which default client you've got - Outlook / Windows Mail / ThunderBird / Gmail / Yahoo / AppleMail / etc etc...  WikiPedia says there's about 80 in all - and then calling that client with the code appropriate to attach the selected note(s).  I'd guess coding that would be a rather expensive and lengthy undertaking that Evernote haven't gotten around to yet even if they agree its cost effective for them to invest.  


There are still a few bugs and tweaks I'd prefer they concentrate on first anyway.  


Evernote tends to be taciturn on planned development (see below) so I guess we'll just have to wait and see...

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